Uztaro 107 (2018)

Tokiko kultura-ondarea lantzeko pedagogia- eta didaktika-eredu baten beharra


Pedagogia- eta didaktika-eredu berrien beharrean gaude; irakasleok horretaz jarduteko, ondarearen hezkuntzara garamatzan markoa ere diseinatu behar dugu. Hala, artikulu honek bi helburu ditu: ondarearen eta hezkuntzaren arteko balioetansakontzea, eta diseinurako gakoak (genealogia, irakaslea, ikaslea, testuingurua eta edukia) identifikatu eta ezaugarritzea. Izan ere, hezkuntza-sistema modernoaren krisiarekin topo egin dugu azken aro honetan. Pedagogia-paradigma berrien beharrean gaude, non familiaren, eskolaren, komunitate osoaren inplikazioa beharrezkoa den, baina aurrekoari uko egin gabe, transmisioa bertan behera laga gabe. Esan nahi da gure ingurune soziokulturaleko ikasketa esanguratsuak erraztu eta sustatzeko ardura dugula hezitzaileok; hots, konpromiso bat daukagula ikaslearen nahiz irakaslearen identitatearen parte den natura- eta kultura-ondarearekin.

Gako-hitzak: Ondare-hezkuntza -- Gizarte-zientzien arloa -- Ondarearen didaktika -- Tokiko kultura-ondarea -- Eredu didaktikoa


Need of a pedagogical and didactic model to work the local cultural heritage


We need new pedagogical and didactic models; in order for teachers to act on this, we must also design a framework that will lead us to heritage education. There fore, this article has two aims. First, to examine the values that link heritage and education and then second, to identify and characterise keys for design (genealogy, teacher, student, context and content). In fact, we have found the modern educational system to be in crisis in recent times. Weare in need of new pedagogical paradigms in which the involvement of family, school, and the entire community is essential, and in which this involvement is maintained without abandoning the transmission of knowledge. This means ensuring that educators will be responsible for facilitating and promoting meaningful studies on our socio-cultural environment; that is, studies that include the natural and cultural heritage that forms a part of the identity of both students and teachers.

Key words: Heritage education -- Social sciences -- Heritage didactics -- Local cultural heritage -- Didactic model