Uztaro 21 (1997)

Eliza eta emakumearen hezkuntza XX. mendearen atarian

Maitane Ostolaza Esnal
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Artikulu honek eskola, eliza eta emakumearen arteko harremanak aztertzen ditu historiaren ikuspuntutik. Esparru horretan kokatuz, bere helburua emakumezkoen generoaren eraikuntzan eskolak jokatzen duen funtsezko papera argitan jartzea da. Horretarako XIX. mendearen amaierako hezkuntza-eredu nagusia hartzen du aztergai, hots, eliza katolikoarena, eliz ikastetxe baten analisitik abiatuz. Bi ideia nagusi daude artikuluaren muinean: batetik, elizari buruzko irudi konbentzionalaren berrikusketa kritikoa egiten da eta eliza, erakunde atzerakoi, geldikor eta antimoderno gisa ulertu ordez, instituzio honek gizarte aldakorretan erakutsi ohi duen malgutasuna eta jarrera dinamikoa azpimarratzen dira; eta bestetik, kultura eta erlijioaren garrantzia ematen da aditzera, bi elementuok gizarte-egituraketan nahiz aldaketa-prozesuetan eragile aktiboak direla frogatuz.


The article examines the relationship between school, Church and women from the historical point of view. Within this field, it tries to show the basic role played by the school on the cultural construction of women gender. To this purpose it analyses the hegemonic education model of the late XIXth century, that is, the Catholic pedagogy concerning women, through the study of one particular Church school. This article develops two main ideas: firstly, it makes a critical revision of the conventional concept of Church –according to which the Catholic church is supposed to be a conservative, stained and out of day (antimodern) institution– by showing the flexibility and the dynamic character of the educational religious congregations; and secondly, it brings to light the importance of cultural and religious factors on the maintenance (reproduction) of cultural and mental structures as much as being active forces of social change.